Monday, April 27, 2009

Fighter's Frozen Treats

It wasn't a particular hot day. But you got to start sometime. Opening day was April 25, 2009. We only went around for two hours to the development across the street and our own development. We sold about 70 pieces of ice cream. The most popular: Sponge Bob Square Pants. The kids were so excited, they were following me around with their bikes buying more. It was tons of fun and hopefully was just the begining of a great summer. We found out alot of things. The Freezer stayed cooled, the music lasted, and now we know what sells. Bring on the summer.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hunter's Ed

Well, we finally figured out that we have double the chances of getting drawn a tag if we both put in for it. So for Brian's birthday present i took the hunter's safety course. Turns out i'm amazing. I got a 100% on the test and I was the best shooter in my field day lesson. It's not hard to beat a bunch of 12 year olds.
It was a good learning experience and now that we have a freezer chest there is nothing left to do but to shoot an animal. They make the lefty's go to the end of the shooting range. Check out those camo pants. I think that was the secret to my success.